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Ar gyfer Cymru fersiwn cliciwch yma




Penarth Chamber Music Festival - special concert

Special concert for people with autism

This year's Penarth Chamber Music Festival includes a special concert on 17th of July in a supportive environment for people with autism and similar conditions.

This concert is a unique opportunity for people to access music of the very highest quality in an environment that is sympathetic to and supportive to their needs.

Hydrotherapy Pool Opens it's Doors!

State of the Art pool now available

ysgol y deri pool


For over twenty years we have fought for a new hydro pool to be provided in the area. A new state of the art facility is now available for hire in the Ysgol Y Deri community complex near Penarth. Details can be found here.

Cardiff FC Visually Impaired Football Classes

Cardiff City Football Club Foundation are looking to start a Visually Impaired Football session in the new year. They are currently trying to assess the number of people who would be interesting in attending the session. The sessions will be open to all ages.

The Session will run on a Monday evening 6-7PM at Fitzalan High School. Sessions cost £3 per person this cost goes towards covering the cost of the venue. If you require any more information please feel free to get in contact with Tom Knight on 07825323561 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..u

ADHD Event February 2016 a great success

ADHD event dispels myths and updates parents on latest developments

On 24th February 2016 Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation held an information event that aimed to dispel many myths surrounding the condition.



Choose your own carer!

What are Direct Payments?

Direct Payments are cash payments to an individual from a local authority that are an alternative to directly arranged community care services.

Rather than the local authority social services department providing or arranging the community care services it has assessed you as needing, you receive money to enable you to arrange your own services, allowing you more choice and control over the way your care and support needs are met.


For more information look here

Treasurer Wanted For The Welsh Sports Association

The Welsh Sports Association for people with learning disabilities is a voluntary association that provides both children and adults the opportunity to compete, with their peers, in swimming and athletics events ( twice a year). Regrettably their treasurer unexpectedly passed away and as a small voluntary group they urgently need a new treasurer. If there is anyone who may be able to help them, they would be very grateful.To find out more about their association please visit the website at or contact the Parents Federation on 029 2056 5917.

ADHD information event

Learn about ADHD and support available to families a great success!

On the 24th February 2016, Cardiff & the Vale Parents' Federation  held an awareness raising day to learn more about what causes ADHD and what support is available to families. Over 50 attended and a full report will be posted here soon.

For more information please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friends of the Federation

Help us to help families!

The Parents Federation has almost 1200 members and is growing by the month. 

Funding is shrinking at a time that families most need information and representation


If you or a friend, colleague or employer would like to help with a donation please click here

Alternatively please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how you might be able to help

2015 Parents Federation AGM

AGM a great success

At the recent AGM we enjoyed presentations on the forthcoming Social Services & Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014, choosing your own support and some exciting developments in making Direct Payments easier to manage.

CAB Opening hours

List of opening times and contact details for local Citizen Advice Bureau


For an up to date list of opening times and contact details for local Citizen Advice Bureau please click here

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: