Latest News

Friends of the Federation

Help us to help families!

The Parents Federation has almost 1200 members and is growing by the month. 

Funding is shrinking at a time that families most need information and representation


If you or a friend, colleague or employer would like to help with a donation please click here

Alternatively please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how you might be able to help

2015 Parents Federation AGM

AGM a great success

At the recent AGM we enjoyed presentations on the forthcoming Social Services & Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014, choosing your own support and some exciting developments in making Direct Payments easier to manage.

CAB Opening hours

List of opening times and contact details for local Citizen Advice Bureau


For an up to date list of opening times and contact details for local Citizen Advice Bureau please click here

Where are we now?

11th December 2015 at Cardiff Bay

Learning Disability Wales, Cardiff Law School and our partners would like to invite you to a special one day event looking at the experiences of disabled people and their families, and the developments in law and practice in Wales affecting them.

Cycling activities for 9 years plus

Pedal Power cycling fun for August


 Pedal Power offer cycling opportunities for disabled children and their families. They are holding some sessions for youngsters aged 9 plus during August.




Please see here for details

Rights of People with a Learning Disability

Know your rights

This free seminar will explain the rights that people with a learning disability have in law and will be of interest to individuals families and carers.

It will cover issues around:



Social Care

Wills and Trusts


To find out more contact the organisaers on

029 2070 6444



Time 6.30pm

Cardiff City Stadium

27th May 2015

Elaine recognised for her efforts!


Long term Parents' Federation activist Elaine Gee was recently awarded the Bouquet of the Week by the Western Mail and Echo in recognition of her efforts to improve the lives of disabled people and their carers. .

Cardiff FC Visually Impaired Football Classes

Cardiff City Football Club Foundation are looking to start a Visually Impaired Football session in the new year. They are currently trying to assess the number of people who would be interesting in attending the session. The sessions will be open to all ages.

The Session will run on a Monday evening 6-7PM at Fitzalan High School. Sessions cost £3 per person this cost goes towards covering the cost of the venue. If you require any more information please feel free to get in contact with Tom Knight on 07825323561 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..u

Millennium Stadium is now accessible!!

Changing Places installed - now come and watch a match!

The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff now has a fully accessible WC

Parents' Federation Trustee Elaine Gee and Mencap Cymru CEO Wayne Crocker being shown around the new facilities

Riverside Advice Centre

Financial help and assistance services available

Riverside Advice Centre has a wide range of services for people on low income to assist them with maximising their income and challenging unfair decisions


We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: