Understanding Disability Awards 2016




The Understanding Disability Awards aim to recognise, encourage and celebrate the the active engagement and commitment of individuals and groups who promote positive attitudes towards people with learning disabilities.

Every nomination counts, so if you know of any positive role models, community organisations, children or an employer, make sure they are recognised for their achievements. If you can think of anyone who deserves to be recognised then nominate them now!

 Nominations are welcome in the following categories: 

  • Employer
  • Teacher/Learning Support Assistant or School or College
  • Volunteer
  • Local Group or Organisation
  • Professional
  • Child or Group of Children                

Nomination forms are available from Hasina Kaderbhai, Parents Federation on 029 2056 5917 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The closing date is Friday, 20 May 2016.


Alternatively click here for a download of the application form


Please nominate somebody that you think has gone out of their way to make life easier for your child

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: