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Direct payments Event- summary report

What we learnt on the day and carers' views

Direct payments Event- summary report

Our recent event to discuss Direct payments was well attended and very informative. Parents discussed the pros and cons of using Direct Payments and heard about how some difficulties can be overcome and how carers in other parts of Wales were able to use them


Transition Planning protocol and policies-your views needed

Do you agree with the proposals?

For several years we have worked with our partners in local authorities and the third sector to agree an improved way to ensure a smooth transition pathway for people with Additional Learning Needs.

Please check out the Transitional planning proposals and take a few minutes to share your opinions - these are being signed off soon so please let us know any improvements you feel need to be made

after looking at the proposals please see the survey below

We have lost a great friend

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Pauline Young MBE

We regret to say that after a short illness our chair and trustee of many years, Pauline Young MBE has passed away

Schedule of free unpaid carers activities for August

Join other unpaid carers for a free lunch and share experiences

We are holding a series of unpaid carers activities over the summer including lunches, afternoon teas, visits and more

Please book a place asap as they are in short supply


These gatherings are held in friendly settings and you can meet other unpaid carers to share experiences, ideas and knowledge and have fun!

They are for adult carers only to enjoy time away from caring but we hope to find some young carer friendly settings as well

Please click on continue reading below to find the booking forms to secure your place.

If you have difficulties with this please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Details of each event will be shared weekly but if you want to book in advance please let us know

Pooling Direct Payments event

Ever considered sharing Direct Payment hours to make them go further?

Direct payments can offer a great deal of flexibility but finding a Personal Assistant (PA) can be tricky and having enough hours to attract one can make things more difficult.

Together with the All Wales Forum of parents and carers we are hosting an event in person and online where you can learn more about how families across Wales have been creative in using hours in ways that open up more opportunities

The event is scheduled for 13th July at the Techniquest centre but you can join online using Zoom


Direct payment flyer

Transitions Event coming soon!

Come along and learn about opportunities for you and your child

An event to showcase what opportunities are available for children and young adults is being held on 29th April at Future Inns in Cardiff Bay



After Covid-What next? Have your say and influence future policies!

The future is uncertain and we must speak up now to ensure carers and families are listened to!

After Covid-What next? Have your say and influence future policies!

The past two years have been unprecedented.

We have  become used to unfamiliar and unsustainable ways of living and coping with reduced levels of support and services 



We have an opportunity to help influence the future but need your support 

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: