Keeping you informed

You will be familiar with the message to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently
This is a simple way to reduce the risk of becoming infected or passing it on
Social isolation is perhaps the most effective way of avoiding exposure to the virus. If you can avoid going outside then do so-follow the government guidelines as they are constantly changing.
Consider signing up to social media such as facebook, twitter and instagram where you will find many other carers and people local to you - apart from overcoming loneliness you will learn a great deal about help and assistance in your locality.
If you are aware of any information or resources that we should include here please forward them to our social media sites or email a message or link to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I shall add it.
More information can be found on our homepage but the welsh Government have complied the following list or resources that may be of use
Learning Disability Wales also have an excellent easy to read guide to the virus written for people with a learning disability and their carers. You can find it here