Social Services & Well Being Act - how will it affect you?

This legislation will change the way support is offered - find out more at a free event

The Social Services and Well- being Act (2014) replaces much previous legislation that impacted on carers and people with disabilities. 

It reflects a radical change in the way that support is offered to people and it is essential that you have a good understanding of the aims of the act if you are to get the support you need.

The act places the 'cared for' individual as well as the carer at the centre of things. It seeks to involve you in deciding how and where funds are spent on your behalf in order to achieve what you need rather than hand over responsibility to a faceless third party and expect them to come up with the ideal fit.

Services are changing and public funding is diminishing - having your say in how funds are spent could give you more choice. This will involve a radical shift away from the current situation and carers must know their rights and how to be sure that they are prepared for the changes ahead.



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