A break from caring

Caring for a relative with a learning disability can take a huge toll on a family and while being rewarding it is essential that both parties can enjoy the occasional break. The Parents Federation has been working with local authorities and third sector organisations to promote a wider range of respite provision that reflects the needs and budgets of families.
We all agree that any respite break offered should be enjoyable for the individual being supported and be of a standard that ensures their safety and well being.
Respite provision information is set out in our Where You Stand guide which gives details of current local authority approved options and we have also included details of other venues that you might wish to consider.
You may qualify for local authority fully funded respite services if you are assessed as being eligible. If not many options can be self or part funded, others are subsidised. We also have details of various grant giving bodies that may be able to assist you financially.
Respite providers currently approved by the local authority are clearly highlighted.