Family Information Service - FIS

Support for families in your area

Family Information Service - FIS

To receive information directly you can have your child added to your local Disability Index - you may be missing out on so much if you are not on the index so it is well worthwhile!


 For more information of the Cardiff Family Information service click here

For more information on the Vale of Glamorgan Information Service click here

Vale Families First Advice Line - Family support services


What we do

The Families First Advice Line provides advice and support to families that will enable them to resolve their concerns independently, or will assist in identifying appropriate services to be refer onto.
Families First Advice Line will aim to:
 • Listen and provide advice on how you can meet your family’s needs
• Help you identify and access services for your family in the Vale of Glamorgan
• Provide emotional support and practical guidance to help you resolve your family concerns, worries and issues

If we are unable to answer your questions or resolve your concerns we will make every effort to identify a service that can.

The Families First Advice is the single point of access for :

*Team Around the Family
*Vale Parenting Service
*Youth Wellbeing Service
*Flying Start Outreach
*Young Carers
*Parent and Young Careers assessments
*Barnardo's Cygnet Programme

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: