
Support and useful contacts


Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them. This may affect a person in any or all aspects of their lives and can be a profoundly disabling condition or a milder, but invisible, disadvantage.

There are many sources of information and support for this often hidden disability.

If you support an adult with Autism or Aspergers who might find accessing support difficult the recently established Adult Autism Advice centre in Penarth is worth contacting

There is more in our online information guide -

You may also find the Autism Directory of use

Read also the e-bulletins ASDinfoWales

April 2014 - English
April 2014 - Cymraeg

You may find the short videos on the ASDinfoWales website of interest. View them here

Siblings of a child with autism are often overlooked when services are being planned yet every parent will know the difficulties that they face. A recent project carried out by Barnardos worked with several young people to seek their views and help them to find ways to deal with these problems. The full report is here  Barnardos report

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors: